Broken [Digital Version]

Year: 1992
Artist: Nine Inch Nails


Other albums by Nine Inch Nails

Nine Inch Nails - We're in This Together, Pt. 1
Nine Inch Nails - And All That Could Have Been [Video/DVD]
Nine Inch Nails - Head Like a Hole [US]
Head Like a Hole [US]
1998, songs: 1
Nine Inch Nails - Closer
1994, songs: 3
Nine Inch Nails - Things Falling Apart
Things Falling Apart
2000, songs: 4
Nine Inch Nails - Y34RZ3R0 R3MIX3D
2007, songs: 3
Nine Inch Nails - Purest Feeling
Purest Feeling
1994, songs: 4
Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero
Year Zero
2007, songs: 14

Facts about the album "Broken [Digital Version]"

Title: Broken [Digital Version]
Artist: Nine Inch Nails

"Broken [Digital Version]" is a digital release of the 1992 extended play (EP) by American industrial rock band Nine Inch Nails. Originally released in physical formats, the digital version of "Broken" offers a convenient and accessible way for listeners to experience the EP's raw intensity and aggressive sound.

Featuring iconic tracks like "Wish", "Happiness in Slavery", and "Gave Up", "Broken" showcases Nine Inch Nails at their most visceral and uncompromising. The EP's fusion of industrial noise, distorted guitars, and Trent Reznor's seething vocals delivers an intense sonic experience that remains influential in the realm of alternative and industrial music.

Three interesting facts about Nine Inch Nails' "Broken [Digital Version]" EP:

  1. Interactive CD-ROM Component: The physical release of "Broken" included an interactive CD-ROM component titled "Broken Movie". Directed by Peter Christopherson, the "Broken Movie" features disturbing and surreal imagery accompanying the EP's tracks. However, due to its graphic content, it was largely banned and became a sought-after collector's item.

  2. Pivotal Moment for Nine Inch Nails: "Broken" marked a pivotal moment for Nine Inch Nails, as it showcased a departure from the more synth-driven sound of their debut album "Pretty Hate Machine" towards a heavier, guitar-oriented approach. This shift in style laid the groundwork for their subsequent releases and solidified their reputation as leaders in the industrial rock genre.

  3. Grammy Award-Winning: Despite being an EP, "Broken" earned Nine Inch Nails their first Grammy Award. The track "Wish" won the Grammy for Best Metal Performance in 1993, highlighting the EP's impact and influence within the music industry.
